Friday, November 2, 2012

Updated: 7/8/2014

On May 28, 2014, we received a letter from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in order to congratulate us and confirm that Project United Community Development Corporation was selected as one of the entities to be awarded a Brownfields Cleanup Grant for $200,000 to execute an asbestos clean-up of our site located at 1446 Conner Drive in the Pleasant Grove community of Dallas, Texas. Brownfields Cleanup Grants provides funds to carry out cleanup activities at a specific brownfield site owned by the applicant.

The cleanup will began on March 3, 2015 by Bellphi Enviromental, LLC. 

The result of the ASTM E1903-11 report shows that two dangerous substances were found through inspection in the building:
1.      Asbestos: a fibrous material often used in insulation. Exposure to asbestos can cause cancer and other lung related diseases. (CDC, Center for Disease Control)
2.      Mold: mold occurs when there is moisture, though mold alone is not dangerous, an accumulation of mold in a building can cause allergic reactions, sinus, and eye irritation, and asthma. Persons with allergies are particularly susceptible to reactions to mold. (CDC, Center for Disease Control; EPA, Environmental Protection Agency).

Town-hall Meeting



January 8, 2014






Pleasant Grove Eastfield College

802 S. Buckner

Dallas, TX 75217


Contact Person:

Lon E. Boyce

Phone: (214) 381-9471

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Thanks again,

Lon E. Boyce


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Project United Community Center

1446 Conner Drive
Dallas, Texas


December 3, 2012


Prepared by:

Project United Community Development Corporation

Dallas, Texas


Table of Contents

1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1

2.0 BACKGROUND..................................................................... 1

3.0 SITE INVESTIGATIONS ....................................................... 2


5.0 ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ........................................... 2

6.0 RECOMMENDED CLEANUP ALTERNATIVE ...................... 4



Project United Community Center

1446 Conner Drive

Dallas, Texas




This Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA) report has been prepared for the renovation of the former office located at 1446 Conner Drive, Dallas, Texas. Project United Community Development Corporation (CDC), a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization is seeking funding through the Environmental Protection Agency for the remediation of hazardous building materials located on the site. The ultimate goal of Project United CDC is to renovate the office building into a community center that will serve as a safe haven providing community services and support programs to the surrounding citizens, particularly focusing on the underprivileged youth in the area.


This ABCA report includes information regarding:


·         The characteristics of the site and contamination that has been documented, including documentation of contaminants, potential exposure pathways, sources of contamination, applicable or relevant and appropriate laws, regulations and standards.

·          Analysis of potential cleanup alternatives, including “No Action”.

·          A discussion of the proposed cleanup activities and factors considered in evaluating and recommending the planned cleanup.

·          A determination of what controls will be required to implement the cleanup.




The future home of Project United’s Community Center was constructed in 1971 by the AT&T Corporation and served as a Communications Center for zip codes 75217 and 75227. The vacant building was donated to the Project United Community Development Corporation (Project United) in July of 2008.


A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and Asbestos Survey were performed on the site in July 2003. The assessment of the site identified the presence of asbestos containing materials in various interior building components such as floor tile/mastic, joint compound associated with drywall, thermal system insulation and spray applied insulation. Cleanup of the site will help facilitate the renovation of the former office building into a vital community center for the economically depressed citizens in the community. In addition, during the vacancy of the building vandalism has occurred throughout the building resulting in the disturbance of asbestos containing materials (ACM).


Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives

Project United CDC - 1446 Conner Drive - Dallas, Texas

December 3, 2012




A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, in accordance with ASTM E1527-05 and the All Appropriate Inquiries Rule was conducted by Whitehead and Mueller, Inc., dated July 2003. This assessment was performed utilizing user-provided information, a regulatory database review, historical and physical records review, interviews, including local government inquiries, as applicable, and a non-invasive reconnaissance of the site and adjoining properties.




Clean-up and redevelopment of the site by the Project United will be conducted in compliance with applicable laws and regulations that govern the disturbance of hazardous building materials. During the clean-up process, Project Untied will comply with requests for information regarding the site and provide legally required notices.




Identified potential remediation alternatives and prepared preliminary budgetary cost estimates.


The four identified remediation alternatives are:


·          Alternative 1: In place management of the confirmed asbestos containing materials

·          Alternative 2: Encapsulation of the confirmed asbestos containing materials and

·          Alternative 3: Complete renovation of the interior of the structure

·          Alternative 4: No action


Each of the four alternatives is discussed in greater detail below.


Alternative 1: In place management of the confirmed asbestos containing materials building materials.


In this alternative, the identified asbestos containing building materials would be managed in place. This alternative does not include removal of the materials.


Feasibility: This alternative is not feasible considering the future plans to renovate the building into a community center for the area.


Removal of the hazardous building materials would be required to facilitate the planned renovation activities.


Effectiveness: This alternative is not effective for due to the extent of the contamination of hazardous materials throughout the building, therefore this option is not feasible, since the property is scheduled for major renovation.


Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives

Project United CDC - 1446 Conner Drive - Dallas, Texas

December 3, 2012


Cost: The capital cost for in-place management of the hazardous building materials is estimated to be $50,000. The estimate includes clean-up of the hazardous materials, however it does not include costs associated with future abatement of hazardous building materials remaining on existing substrates, and maintenance associated with routine building maintenance activities or in the event of damage to the materials.


Alternative 2: Encapsulation of the confirmed asbestos containing materials


In this alternative, the identified asbestos-containing materials would be encapsulated to prevent exposure to and deterioration of the identified hazardous building materials.


Feasibility: This alternative is technologically effective, however it meets State requirements.


Effectiveness: This alternative is not effective due to the extent of the contamination of hazardous materials throughout the building, therefore this option is not feasible, since the property is scheduled for major renovation. This alternative is effective in the prevention of exposure to the hazardous building materials; however, the alternative is not feasible, due to the extensive damaged and deteriorated nature of the ACM. In addition, the in place management will not facilitate the planned renovation of the site building.


Cost: The capital cost for encapsulation for this alternative is estimated to be $100,000.


Alternative 3: Complete renovation of the interior of the structure


In this alternative, each of the identified asbestos-containing materials will be removed prior to completion of the planned renovation activities at the site.


Feasibility: This alternative is technologically effective and meets all State requirements.


Effectiveness: This alternative is effective in cleaning up the site, and makes the site ready for renovation and redevelopment.


Cost: The capital cost for site remediation for this alternative is estimated to be $ 210,000. Cost includes only costs associated with addressing the identified asbestos-containing materials. Estimates do not include costs associated with materials not previously identified.


Alternative 4: No Action


In this alternative no cleanup or development would occur and the site would remain as an unused, vacant building.


Feasibility: This alternative is deemed infeasible due to the Project United’s intentions to redevelop the site as a community center and meeting location.


Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives

Project United CDC - 1446 Conner Drive - Dallas, Texas

December 3, 2012


Effectiveness: This alternative is effective in controlling the potential exposure of citizens to the hazardous building materials; however, it does not contribute to Project United’s redevelopment and quality of life goals for the proposed Community Center.


Cost Not applicable


Cost Comparison of Alternatives


The table below presents a summary of the estimated costs for all alternatives under consideration. There would be no cost if the site were to remain as an unused, vacant building.




* Estimates do not include costs associated with renovation and construction, only the tasks identified for each alternative.




Alternatives one and two include the hazardous building materials remaining in place, and do not allow for the planned renovation of the site building. Alternative 5 is the “No Action” alternative.


Rejected Alternatives


Alternative 1 - In place management of the confirmed asbestos containing materials: This alternative does not include removal of the materials. This alternative was removed from consideration since it will not allow the overall project to be completed.


Alternative 2 - Encapsulation of the confirmed asbestos containing materials: In this alternative, the identified asbestos-containing materials would be encapsulated to prevent exposure to and deterioration of the identified hazardous building materials. This alternative requires the materials to remain in place and will not allow removal of the materials to facilitate the planned renovation of the site building. This alternative was removed from consideration since it will not allow the overall project to be completed.


Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives

Project United CDC - 1446 Conner Drive - Dallas, Texas

December 3, 2012


Alternative 4 – No Action: This alternative was removed from consideration since it will not allow the overall project to be completed.


Selected Alternatives


Alternative 3 - Complete renovation of the interior of the structure: This alternative was selected, because it allows the planned renovation and redevelopment of the site into a Community Center for Project United.